「一百萬個心跳」是一件由展場參與者的身份與行為所建構的一個互動式網路裝置行動藝術,主要乃探討數位時代的社群行為。民眾藉由無線感測器ZigBee先參與「卵、精子相遇」互動數位藝術作品後,建置性別、血型、生肖等身份資訊。再經由心跳脈搏、情境感知作行為回饋,我們預計蒐集一百萬個心跳,使一對數位虛擬雙胞胎兒獲得生命力。民眾的身份資訊與感知行為,在展覽結束時將會共同決定雙胞胎兒的最後孕育情形 - 長相、性別、血型、...。
- 2007 ACM Multimedia 2007 (Interactive Art Program), Augsburg, Germany, Sept. 23-29, 2007.
- 2007維基百科年會 (WikiMania 2007) ("Virtual i.d.ea" - Interactive Net Art), Aug. 13~16, 2007.
- 第一屆台北數位藝術節 (DAF 2006), Nov. 10~19, 2006.
"One Million Heartbeats" ia an interactive artwork based on a wireless sensor network by , TNUA; also includes video projection, sculpture, and interactive internet web site.
" One Million Heartbeats" used ZigBee wireless network sensors. It depicts struggle, and many people interpret it as commentary on political or social events. We show twin fetuses struggling in the "world" of the mother's womb. We will collect one million heartbeats from participants - the behavior of participants will determine the characteristics of the babies and the experience of the mother. Participant comments become part of the piece. This artwork explores collective social behavior.